Jackknife Creek Ranch, Etna, Wyoming
From Cows to Cutthroats: Restoration of a Spring
Creek and Spawning Tributary
Jackknife Creek Ranch is comprised of 260 acres, nearly two fishable miles of the Salt River, a spring creek that arises on the property and Jackknife Creek, a native cutthroat spawning tributary. The ranch lies alongside the Idaho border beneath the picturesque Caribou Mountain range, just 45 minutes south of Jackson Hole and only 15 minutes from the Palisades Reservoir, headwaters of the famous South Fork of the Snake River. The ranch is within easy driving distance to a multitude of world-famous fly fishing waters including the South Fork, North Fork and Henry's Fork of the Snake River, the Warm River, the Fall River, the Teton River, the Green River, the Hoback River and the nearby Greys River, perhaps the most scenic and favorite fishery amongst those who live in the area.

Jackknife Creek Ranch in foreground with Salt Range to the East.