The process of investigating raw land, a working cattle ranch or an in-fill project in a western town is a matter of paying close attention to the details. We find it most productive to start the process by spending several days in the field with our land planner.
Our objective at this stage is to thoroughly understand the potential of the landscape and to nail down the human carrying capacity of the property. We ask what the property is trying to tell us, and how we can we plan for the use and enjoyment of the property without destroying the very attributes which had attracted us. These field studies result in an architectural “charrette,” a spirited brainstorming and debating session, often that same night.
The land plan and carrying capacity set the parameters for the business and financial plan for the property, so getting that part right initially is critical. While it can change as more information about the property pours in, we like to start with what the property ideally should be, rather than with what we want it to be. |